



报告题目:Vehicle aero-acoustic design





Wind noise performance is important for ground vehicle. Prediction andreduction of wind noise are important for vehicle makers. Wind tunnel test andnumerical simulation are the main research methods of wind noise. Aerodynamicand aero-acoustic Wind Tunnel at Tongji University is the first full scale vehiclewind tunnel in China with low background noise. It can be used for wind noisemeasurement of vehicles and high-speed trains, et al. It has become a majorresearch platform for wind noise of domestic automobile companies. On thesimulation side, a high performance computing platform with 1352 cores wasbuilt and Acoustic Perturbation Equations (APE) method was developed andsuccessfully applied in the prediction of aerodynamic noise ofhigh-speedtrains and vehicles. The flow field and acoustic field outside the vehicle weresimulated by CFD and APE, while SEA was then applied to calculate the windnoise transmission into the cabin. The characteristics of exterior wind noisesource was revealed and the transmission paths were identified. On the basis ofwind noise prediction method, a parametric model was built to allow themathematical description and fast reshaping of the model geometry to facilitatethe reduction of the sound pressure level in the passenger cabin.


Prof. YANG Zhigang received his PhD from Cornell University. Heworked in NASA Lewis Research Centre and GM respectively before joining thefaculty of Tongji University in 2005 to manage the Shanghai Automotive WindTunnelproject. He holds a Yangtze River Professorship from Ministry ofEducation, and a National 1000 Plan Professorship from the Central Governmentof China. Since June 2017, He has assumed the additional responsibility as the ChiefEngineer of Beijing Aeronautical Science & Technology Research Institute(BASTRI), the R&D Center for Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC).His technical specialties include flow stability, turbulence modelling,computational fluid dynamics method; vehicle aerodynamics, aero-acoustics,thermal management; and wind tunnel design, vehicle design and energy research.