

11月30日John EKATERINARIS报告预告


报告题目:"On the use of centered,upwind, and high order shock capturing numerical schemes foraeroacoustics"





Developments of high order accurate schemes for the numericalsolution of the linearized Euler equations that describe adequately soundpropagation have been pursued for many years. These were primarily finitedifference methods suitable for domains with moderate complexity. Recently, thediscontinuous Galerkin finite method, which is a low dissipative upwind methodfor sufficiently high order of accuracy, has been also employed to makepossible aeroacustic predictions in complex domains. The linearized Eulerequations describe however only propagation of aeroacoustic disturbances andfor sound generation, jet or vortex noise for example, the full nonlinearproblem must be considered. As a result, a number of high order upwind schemesand centered schemes with minimal amount of added dissipation in the form ofcharacteristic based filters or spectral filters have been employed for thenumerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations in direct and large eddysimulation of sound generation and propagation. For high speed flows, such assupersonic jets, discontinuities may develop and use of shock capturing schemesis necessary. For these class of aeroacoustic problems, weighted essentiallynon-oscillatory (WENO) schemes, discontinuous Galerkin discretizationespecially those providing high order shock capturing capability and evenclassical second order finite volume methods combined with high resolutionmeshes can be employed. In this presentation the essential features of thesemethods are outlined and examples from their application are presented.


Prof. John Ekaterinaris received his M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineeringin 1983 and his Ph.D. from the School of Aerospace Engineering in 1987, both atthe Georgia Institute of Technology. Between 1987 and 1995, he worked atNASA–Ames Research Center and at the same time was faculty at the NavalPostgraduate Scholl at Monterey, CA. In 2000 returned to Greece and took theResearch Director position of the Institute of Applied and ComputationalMathematics at FORTH, where he remained until 2005. In Sept. 2005 he joined thefaculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Patras.While he was in Greece carried out funded research and basic research funded bythe London offices of AFOSR and ARO with the help PhD students and postdoctoralfellows. He joined the faculty of Aerospace Engineering of Embry-RiddleAeronautical University in August 2012. His interests are computationalmechanics, multi-scale phenomena, stochastic PDE’s, and biomechanics.