

11月29日符松 / 肖志祥报告预告


报告题目:Studies of unsteady flows and airframe noise past landing gear-likegeometries





Airframe noise is very important whenthe civil airplane approaches, where the landing gear is the main contributor.It is very difficult to accurately simulate the unsteady flows and noise fromthe landing gear with very complex geometries. The landing gear is always simplifiedas cylinder, tandem cylinders or simplified landing gear. Advanced RANS-LEShybrid methods, such as DDES and IDDES models, were applied to predict thenear-fields unsteady flows past the landing gear-like configurations, such astandem cylinders, triple cylinders, and rudimentary landing gear. Theinteractions of vortices and components were investigated and the generation ofhigh sound pressure level region were explored. At the same time, far-fieldsacoustics past the tandem cylinders was calculated using the FW-H methods. Thenoise reduction methodologies around the landing gear-like geometries will bebriefly introduced in the on-going EU-China corporation project.


Dr. Zhixiang Xiao received his Ph. Ddegree at NWPU in 2003. Since 2003, he works in Tsinghua University. Hepromoted as an associate professor from Jan. 2008. After the reform ofpersonnel system, he serves as a special professor since Jan. 2017. He is asenior member of AIAA, the committee member of aerodynamics at hypersonic, CSTAM,the committee member of aerodynamics for low, transonic and supersonic speed,CARS, the committee member of aerodynamic loading, CSA, and the guest professorof STEC. His research interests are simulations of transition/unsteadyturbulence, aeroacoustics, aerothermodynamics, flow or noise controlmethodologies, and so on. As a PI, he took charge of over 50 projects in therecent 10 years. He developed and improved the in-house CFD solver, UNITs,which was widely applied in industries of aeronautics and astronautics. Now hehas published over 100 papers, including over 30 peer reviewed journal papers.He has annually hosted and organized the Summer Course of Turbulence Modellingin THU since 2012, over 900 participants.