



报告题目:Theory of turbulent boundary layer and its derived turbulence model:progress and perspective





A new theory of turbulent boundary layer and its derivedalgebraic model based on a structural ensemble dynamics (SED) theory of wallturbulence are reported. The theory describes a multi-layer structure of eddylengths in both the streamwise and wall-normal directions, which presents aremarkably universal character for a variety of wall flows. Comparisons toexperimental and numerical data with widely used turbulence models such as SA,SST etc, in a variety of flows ranging from incompressible to hypersonic, withvarying incoming turbulence intensities/scales inducing transition, and with avariety of attack angles for airfoil flows, show that the newly derived modelyields superior predictions, demonstrating that the multi-layer description ofthe SED theory is reliable, and its derived turbulence model is promising. Thisstudy has an interesting outcome of fundamental interest, namely, identifyingphysical parameters of turbulent boundary layer, so as to differentiatedifferent wall flows. Future study using the new model to study a variety ofwall flows of aeronautic applications is discussed.


Zhen-Su She is a Zhou Peiyuan Professor of Mechanics at thePeking University. He was the former director of the State Key Laboratory forTurbulence and Complex System. He is the author of the widely known“She-Leveque” scaling model of turbulence, and has pioneered a new theory ofwall turbulence called “structural ensemble dynamics (SED)” aiming ataccomplishing a complete analytic description of turbulent boundary layersbeyond the log law of Prandtl and von Karman. He is a Sloan fellow, and anAmerican Physical Society fellow. He was awarded a Yangtze River Scholar in1999, and a Chinese Young Scientist model in 2003, and a title of Nationaldistinguished Professor in 2009.