


报告题目The Lattice Discrete Particle Model (LDPM): From Concrete Micro-Structure to Structural Modeling of High Impulsive Loading Events

报告人 Prof. Gianluca Cusatis




In this presentation the Lattice Discrete Particle Model (LDPM) for concrete will be discussed. LDPM is a discrete mesoscale model of concrete that can accurately describe the macroscopic behavior of concrete during elastic, fracturing, softening, and hardening regimes. LDPM has been calibrated and validated extensively through the analysis of a large variety of experimental tests. LDPM can reproduce with great accuracy the response of concrete under uniaxial and multiaxial stress states in both compression and tension and under both quasi-static and dynamic loading conditions. The LDPM formulation is obtained by modeling the interaction among coarse meso-scale aggregate pieces as the interaction among polyhedral cells (each containing one aggregate piece) whose external surfaces are defined by sets of triangular facets. The presentation will give an overview of recent successes of the LDPM technology and the development of a multiscale/multiphysics framework that use LDPM as the main fundamental component. The use of these novel approaches is demonstrated through a variety of applications.


Prof. Gianluca Cusatis is a faculty member of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Northwestern University that he joined in August 2011. Before that, he worked at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for six years. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses of the civil engineering curriculum and performs research in the field of Mechanics of Quasi-Brittle Materials. Gianluca obtained his PhD degree in 2002, with a dissertation dealing with mesoscale modeling of concrete. In the last fifteen years, he has been working in the field of computational and applied mechanics, with emphasis on concrete and reinforced concrete modeling, etc.